

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Journey In The Making

When you go to a market,you walk around looking with pleasure at all the sights and sounds that only a market can offer. You think, 'maybe I will get one of those next time I am here..' or you purchase an item that is unique that you may not see again.
 There is an appreciation of the time that went into making the item for that moment. But what we tend to the forget is that the journey in the making is happening well before the market. It might be in a sunroom where someone lovingly creates their art, in  a studio screen printing clothing ,sitting by the fire knitting a woollen garment, picking olives in the sun on a beautiful Hunter Valley day or perhaps travelling or connecting with ethical trade items that can help out someone in another country. This is the journey in the making.
To purchase something that has a good journey is part of what market stalls are all about.It is why we have market stall holders, they are there for the journey , the connection with people and to say goodbye to something they have created in their home, office or studio. When you are shopping at a market next time, ask your stall holder about the journey , it may well make that gift or practical item all that more special.

I am posting some photos here of the journey in the making for Cindale Herb Farm and Little Black Cow Farm. If you are another stall holder, I would love to see some links on the blog in the comments section or on the Sacred Tree face book page linking us to your website or face book page that tell us about your journey in the making . If you do not have a website/face book page, feel free to write about your journey in the making in the comments section.
Watching seedlings come up and meet the sun for the first time.
Planting some for our own garden /selling some at the market 

Harvesting food for us and harvesting stories from our customers as they delightedly tell us how the plants they purchased are going!

Helen planting the calendula seeds in her handmade timber and iron garden beds with the warm sun on her back,picking the beautiful orange flowers and drying them.
Helen adding even more healing ingredients to the calendula petals to create what is now famous as 'Cindale Herb Farm Calendula Ointment'.
Feeding and playing with our Saanen goats with our young farm stay guests. 

Labelling the hand made goat milk soap and wondering who will take it home this time. 

Tell me about your journey's in the making..................

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